Pentecost Sequence Lyric Video

Описание к видео Pentecost Sequence Lyric Video

What is the Pentecost Sequence?
A Sequence is a liturgical poetry that is added to the Liturgy of the Word on special occasions during the church year. Pentecost, along with Christmas and Easter, constitutes the three great feasts celebrated by the Catholic Church.

Although Pentecost does not carry the secular celebrations associated with Christmas and Easter, within the church it is an important feast in that it is considered the birthday of the church.

Pentecost, taken from the Greek word Pentekoste, meaning fiftieth, refers to the fiftieth day after the Resurrection when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. The roots of Pentecost lie in the Jewish Festival of Weeks, the 50-day celebration following Passover. Pentecost commemorates the event when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, empowering them to forgive sins and allowing them to speak in different languages but to be understood by the crowds.

Sequences were common in the early church. There were hundreds written and sung during the liturgies. Today only four continue to be used in the liturgical year and only two are required – on Easter and Pentecost.

The Pentecost Sequence “Veni, Sancte Spiritus” or “Come, Holy Spirit Come,” is a beautiful hymn thought to be composed by Stephen Langton (1228), the archbishop of Canterbury, although some say Pope Innocent III (1216) was the author.

In the Sequence, the faithful repeatedly call on the Spirit to come into their lives, heal their wounds and wash away the stain of guilt. The Sequence can be recited or sung prior to the Gospel.

Extracted from:
Pentecost Sequence:

Composer - Tom Kendzia
Music, Vocals & Arrangement - Charles ANG



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