Warzone 2100 - 1v1 Two of the best players HD

Описание к видео Warzone 2100 - 1v1 Two of the best players HD

Playing a 1v1 with a friend. This is the 9th time we played this same map and settings 1v1 over the past few days and I posted this video to provide insight as to what I do. The purpose of the video is to analyze what we are doing differently and to counter each other's strategy.

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The base build was fairly good in the beginning, there were some minor imperfections but nothing too significant.

0:35 the game begins
2:27 I stop researching the mg as more important upgrades have become available
4:01 I realize I didn't finish one of the power generators. Oops but not that big of a deal
4:15 positioning trucks for the rest of the base build
5:00 set truck instructions to position them in between power generators. This way they can upgrade the power generators with minimal movement
6:04 set truck instructions anticipating the research module
7:02 got caught with a wheel rush but it doesn't really make much of a difference
8:00 factory upgrade finishes and I should have switched the engine res upgrade to something more important but forgot to change it
9:14 I realize I'm still researching the engine upgrade...
10:05 spotted opponent for the first time
11:20 first real contact where we engage in battle. I always backup and lure my opponent as the person who moves forward takes more damage.
12:05 I am hitting my opponent while moving back, again the person who moves forward takes more damage. You can see this is the case in most, if not all of our encounters.
13:25 opponent moves forward with cyborgs, obviously you can see he is taking more damage than me. Also, my units are grouped much tighter and have a higher density of firepower.
14:06 I res the cannon laser designator but looking back there were more important things to research
14:44 that was a bad choice by my opponent to split his army like that
15:02 I research a power upgrade, I should have researched more important things here too
15:25 my opponents units are much looser than mine, I control my units in a tight ball.
16:45 it's becoming apparent that I have more units
17:00 the game stats, I have more kills which I use to determine who is winning the exchanges
17:38 opponents army is very spread out and loose
18:27 I put my damaged units in the rear as I prepare to go in for the kill
19:34 At this point, I'm trying to position my army so that his factories block some of his units from firing. I shouldn't have been in such a hurry to kill the first factory
21:37 final game stats

We played again after this and I lost to needle gun in a much longer game :).


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