Prevent saggy skin when losing weight | Dr Davin Lim

Описание к видео Prevent saggy skin when losing weight | Dr Davin Lim

Where can Profhilo be used?
This dermal injection is super flexible. It can be used on the face to improve skin quality, but also on the neck & chest to reduce wrinkles & boost collagen production in these key areas.

On label indications also include skin laxity on the arms & body.
At what age can patients use Profhilo?
Whilst Profhilo can be used at any age, this filler is best suited for patients over the age of 30.
What are thread lifts?
Thread lifting is a useful procedure to improve skin tone & to achieve tightening in the mid to lower one-third of the face, including the neck & jawline. Threads achieve this via a process called neocollagenesis or fibrosis, meaning stimulation of dermal collagen. This results in skin contraction & lifting.
How to approach skin tightening (to get an effective result)?
Approach skin tightening from the end point; namely clinical features. Then come up with a road map to get to the destination. Everyone is different, tailor bespoke treatments. Don’t approach it from a cookie cutter treatment/s point of view. Spend a few minutes reading this page to understand more about the complexities of non-surgical skin tightening. It will save you a lot of time, effort & heaps of $$$.

My clinic: @Cutis_dermatology on Instagram


Instagram: @drdavinlim


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