Professor Simon - How to write a grant proposal talk

Описание к видео Professor Simon - How to write a grant proposal talk

By Simon Peyton Jones

Writing a good research grant proposal is not easy. Professor Peyton Jones will share his secret recipe for writing a “Great Research Proposal”, including how to get started, what funders to look for and common pitfalls. We hope that this talk will help you to write better grant proposals, and hence to be more successful in obtaining funds for your research. This talk is not just about writing better grant proposals to obtain more money. The basic set-up of peer-reviewed grants of limited duration is a sensible one. It compels researchers regularly to review and re-justify the direction of their work. Behind poorly presented grant proposals often lie poorly-reasoned research plans. Perhaps if we can improve the quality of Computer Science proposals we will also improve the quality of Computer Science research.
The talk is followed by a workshop with Yvonne Morgan.

Simon is an Engineering Fellow at Epic Games. Prior to that he was a researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge (1998-2022), and a professor at Glasgow University (1990-1998). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, an Honorary Professor of at Glasgow, and an Honorary Distinguished Fellow of the Cambridge University Department of Computer Science and Technology.
Simon is interested in the design, implementation, and application of lazy functional languages. In practical terms, that means he spend a most of his time on the design and implementation of the language Haskell. In particular, much of his work is focused around the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, and its ramifications.
He is chair of Computing at School, the group at the epicentre of the reform of the national curriculum for Computing in England. Computer science is now a foundational subject, alongside maths and natural science, that every child learns from primary school onwards.


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