EASILY add Squash and Stretch to your animations with this After Effects preset!

Описание к видео EASILY add Squash and Stretch to your animations with this After Effects preset!

Get the most comprehensive intro to After Effects ever: https://jkinmo.com/lz89pd

Download the preset and project files: https://jkinmo.com/hljp74


Squash and Stretch is the first of the twelve principles of animation, and it's by far my favorite. It adds so much life and personality to your animations and gives everything an elastic, cartoony look and feel. I think understanding how to use it in After Effects is essential for motion designers, but it can be a little complicated to set up and work with if you're only using the scale property. That's why I set out to make a rig independent of the scale property that gives even more control over the shape of the squash and stretch. This preset will allow you to rotate the layer before the distortion, essentially rotating the contents of the layer without affecting the orientation of the squash and stretch. It also allows you to skew the layer in any direction and has some other useful controls. I hope you like it!


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0:00 Intro
0:26 What it does
2:22 Controls
3:52 Rotation & Skew
5:01 One thing to note
6:01 Examples
7:30 Easily install presets
8:00 Thanks for watching!


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