Exotic Rare Color Pigeons Breeding Setup Khalifa Asim Imam White Bar Saddle Desi Kashparay Chittay

Описание к видео Exotic Rare Color Pigeons Breeding Setup Khalifa Asim Imam White Bar Saddle Desi Kashparay Chittay

Exotic Rare Color Pigeons Breeding Setup Khalifa Asim Imam White Bar Saddle Desi Kashparay Chittay

#PigeonsBreedingSetup #exoticpigeons #RareColorPigeons #KhalifaAsimImam #WhiteBarPigeon #SaddlePigeon #Desi #KashparayKabooter #ChittayLalband #LarrayyaKiTayyari #DesiKabootar
#KholBand #day3 #golapigeons #KabootarPakray #catchingpigeons #KorayKabooterLarrayya #VS #GolaPigeonsLoft #Catchingpigeon #KabooterPakra #tukri #Tofani #Parkat #GolaPigeons #Walay #Ghaghray #Desi #Lalband #Kabooter #Kabray #Sherazi #PigeonsLoft #KabootarPakray #HuntingPigeon #CaptureBird #Catching #animals #Khailpani #loft
#khelpani #pigeonsloft #breedingsetup #parrots #lovebirds #trytocatch

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  / basirhashmi11  

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  / _basirhashm.  .


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