India Sugar Industry | UPSC Current affairs 2022 | Learnbymaps

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Sugar can be manufactured from sugarcane, sugarbeet, or any other sugar-producing crop. Sugarcane, on the other hand, is the primary source of sugar in India. This is the second-largest agricultural industry in the world, behind the cotton textile sector. India's sugarcane sector is the world's largest, and it is the world's second-largest producer of sugar after Cuba. There is a total capital investment of Rs. 1,250 crore in this business, which employs 2.86 lakh people. Furthermore, this business benefits 2.50 million sugarcane growers.

The sugar industry is the second most important agro-based industry in the country. India is the largest producer of both sugarcane and cane sugar and contributes about 8 per cent of the total sugar production in the world. Besides, khandasari and gur or jaggery are also prepared from sugarcane. This industry provides employment for more than 4 lakh persons directly and a large number of farmers indirectly.

Sugar industry is a seasonal industry because of the seasonality of raw materials. Development of the industry on modern lines dates back to 1903, when a sugar mill was started in Bihar.
Sugarcane is a weight-losing crop. The ratio of sugar to sugarcane varies between 9 to 12 percent depending on its variety. Its sucrose content begins to dry during haulage after it has been harvested from the field. Better recovery of sugar is dependent upon its being crushed within 24 hours of its harvesting.
Sugar factories hence, are located within the cane producing regions. Maharashtra has emerged as a leading sugar producer in the country and produces more than one-third of the total production of the sugar in the country.
Uttar Pradesh is the second largest producer of sugar. The sugar factories are concentrated in two belts – the Ganga-Yamuna doab and the tarai region.

The sugar industry of India is gradually shifting from north India to peninsular India because of several better conditions prevailing there. These include: The tropical climate of Peninsular India results in a higher yield per unit hectare of land. The sucrose content of sugarcane grown is higher in Peninsular India.

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