Smart Species Wildlife - Chimp | Monkey Documentary 2018

Описание к видео Smart Species Wildlife - Chimp | Monkey Documentary 2018

We humans have the ability to learn to reason and solve problems. We're self-aware and we're also conscious of the presence thoughts and feelings of others. We make tools and practice the art of deception. We're creative. We think abstractly. We have language and use it to express complex ideas. All of these are arguably signs of intelligence. Scientists may not agree on the best and fullest definition of intelligence — but they generally agree that humans are highly intelligent.

Chimps are almost like us

If we humans possess intelligence chimpanzees must have some as well: Our genomes are at least 98 percent identical. Chimps make and use tools hunt in organized groups and engage in acts of violence. Wild troops have distinct behaviors and customs. Field observations and lab experiments show chimps are capable of empathy altruism and self-awareness.


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