George Building Collapse | 'Employer is liable for injury on duty even if worker isn't documented'

Описание к видео George Building Collapse | 'Employer is liable for injury on duty even if worker isn't documented'

Deputy International Relations Minister Alvin Botes has appealed for financial assistance to help repatriate the bodies of foreign nationals who have sadly died in the George building collapse.

Representatives from the high commission of Zimbabwe and Malawi are also in George to meet with family members of the victims and oversee the repatriation process. According to Botes, repatriation is not covered by consular support services offered by DIRCO.

Let's now discuss strategies for handling the employment situation when an employee is injured while on duty. To discuss this, we are joined by Galeboe Modisapodi, an ER Consultant at Molatudi Attorneys and Molatudi Advisory Services.

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