Prigoana - cantec legionar / Persecution - legionary song 1934-35 (Very rare version!)

Описание к видео Prigoana - cantec legionar / Persecution - legionary song 1934-35 (Very rare version!)

EN: On 11, 1938, Carol drafted a new constitution. Although it was superficially similar to its 1923 predecessor, it was actually a severely authoritarian and corporatist document. The new constitution effectively codified the emergency powers Carol had seized in February, turning his government into a de facto legal dictatorship. It concentrated virtually all governing power in his hands, almost to the point of absolute monarchy. The new constitution was approved in a plebiscite held under far-from-secret conditions; voters were required to appear before an election bureau and verbally state whether they approved the constitution; silence was deemed as a "yes" vote. Under these conditions, an implausible 99.87 percent were reported as having approved the new charter, against fewer than 5,500 votes against it. This version of the song was prohibited by the Captian for being too radical and not reprezenting the interests of the legion.

RO: Pe 20 februarie 1938 Carol a abolit Constituția de la 1923, înlocuind-o cu alta (Constituția de la 1938) care îi dădea mari puteri regelui iar din 30 martie 1938 a dat decretul de dizolvare a partidelor politice care a lichidat total regimul parlamentar. La scurt timp, la 15 decembrie 1938. Aceasta versiune a cantecului este unica, postata pentru prima oara pe net, fiind interzisa de Capitan pentru continutul violent care nu reprezinta ideiile legiunii.

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tags: cantec legionar , miscarea legionara , cantec patriotic , nationalism , cantect nationalist , imn


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