Two Beautiful Australian birds with relaxing Mood music Eastern Spinebill and Blue or Fairy wren.

Описание к видео Two Beautiful Australian birds with relaxing Mood music Eastern Spinebill and Blue or Fairy wren.

A sneak peek at the upcoming video where all of the dozens of birds seen at Kurianda go about their lives to the relaxing sounds. Ideal for relaxation background wall art or just making common with nature. Featured are the Eastern spinebill a most unusual Australian Bird as it can hover by flowers like the American hummingbird, just not for as long. The spinebill has a uniquely adapted bill to extract nectar from tubular flowers which is drawn-out with its long course tongue. Blue or superb fairy wrens are fascinating. Firstly, they are not as monogamous as they appear. These birds live in small social groups and are known for their complex social behaviors. Despite forming monogamous pairs, both males and females often mate with other individuals, leading to a high rate of extra-pair paternity. Superb fairywrens, typically build their nests close to the ground, often less than 1 meter high, in dense vegetation like yakka bushes at Kurianda. Their nests are domed-shaped with a side entrance near the top. This design helps protect the nest from predators and harsh weather conditions. The superb fairywren was named ‘Australian Bird of the Year’ in 2021 after a survey conducted by Birdlife Australia. Their diet mainly consists of insects, but they also consume seeds. Their short, pointed beaks are well-suited for capturing and crushing insects, The are very elusive to photograph as they rarely stay still. Male wrens pluck yellow petals and display them to females as part of a courtship display. Superb fairywrens, also known as blue wrens, have a fascinating behavior where the females sing to their unhatched eggs. This singing serves a crucial purpose:
Teaching a ‘Password’: The mother wren sings a unique note, or ‘password,’ to her eggs. The nestlings must later incorporate this note into their begging calls to be fed by their parents
Learning Before Hatching: This behavior starts around day 10 of incubation. The embryos learn the song while still inside the egg, which is quite remarkable.
Distinguishing Offspring: This learned song helps the parents distinguish their own chicks from those of parasitic species like cuckoos, which often lay their eggs in fairywren nests.
Widespread Behavior: This behavior is not unique to superb fairywrens but is also observed in other related species, such as splendid fairywrens and red-backed fairywrens.
It’s amazing how these tiny birds have developed such intricate methods to ensure the survival of their offspring.

this video records the behavior of these birds as the impact of climate change alters their environment.


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