Unlocking Creativity: Transforming Cut Off Scraps into Abstract Masterpieces fused glass tutorial

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I have been trying to work through my Cut Off Scraps to use them in interesting and artistic ways...this one was going to be an abstract sculpture for a particular stand....except I didn't measure accurately on the width *grin*.... so I could make a stand for it anyhow, but then I thought about slumping it into a candle shield...or a wave shape...so for now, I think I will wait until it "tells me" what it wants to be.
I still have a TON of scrap to use, so I am sure I am not done yet! But I have some other ideas on what to do with those pieces. I do stained glass as well, but I like to keep my fusing glass in the fusing arena....I intend to do some mosaic with my stained glass and I may incorporate some of my fused abstract into the mosaic and stained glass as well.
Additionally, I have a TON of float glass I acquired a few years back from a storage unit purchase...it was WAY more glass than I expected it to be - so the enamels will be coming out to paint soon as well!
I hope you enjoy my "Squirrel Brain" process! Thank you!


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