Basilisk II - Starfield Class C Destroyer Ship Build Overhaul Guide 5k Subscriber Special

Описание к видео Basilisk II - Starfield Class C Destroyer Ship Build Overhaul Guide 5k Subscriber Special

Greetings, captains! THANK YOU ALL for enabling my channel to grow to over 5,000 subscribers! To commemorate this milestone, show my appreciation for all of you, and reward myself (because I missed this ship!), I have rebuilt the original Basilisk from the ground up. Using all of the techniques and lessons that I have learned from my builds and all of my incredible viewers, I have completely overhauled and improved upon the first iteration of this ship. This was easily my most popular Starfield ship build, and since you all loved the first one, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to showcase just how differently the same ship can be assembled after gaining some experience in the ship builder.

The original Basilisk build:
   • Basilisk - Starfield Destroyer Ship B...  

Featured Playlists:
   • Starfield Vanilla Starship Archive  
   • Starfield Outpost Builds and Guides  
   • Starfield - Becoming a God  

Featured Creators:
   / @shiptechnician  
   / @sistacitizen  

00:00 Introduction
02:19 Wize Old Wizard Content
04:13 Basilisk II Build Requirements
05:25 Starter Ship Purchase - Optional
06:20 Red Mile Parts
07:05 Taiyo Astroneering Parts
08:17 Deimos Staryard Parts
08:54 New Homestead Parts
09:50 Full Build - Real-time - Uncut
30:13 Interior Tour
37:10 Creator Spotlight - ShipTechnician - SistaCitizen
38:14 Stats, Skills, Crew, Difficulty
39:51 Combat Showcase - Serpentis
42:48 Combat Showcase - The Key
44:16 Combat Showcase - Spacer Scavenger Blattodea
46:13 Combat Showcase - Va'ruun Shroudbearer
48:13 Combat Showcase - Ecliptic Battleship Camulus


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