David Austin Roses 令人驚豔的2022大衛奧斯汀玫瑰的裸根苗全紀錄

Описание к видео David Austin Roses 令人驚豔的2022大衛奧斯汀玫瑰的裸根苗全紀錄

2021 年秋預訂的英國大衛奧斯汀裸根苗,終於在2022年二月送到我的種植區。我的16株健壯、根系發達的滕本以及灌木月季,收到之後如何準備、挖洞、加底肥、種植。這一周加州白天氣溫已到達攝氏30度,雖是裸根,沒有枝葉的光禿苗,卻在春天的暖陽下蓄勢待發。晚春初夏第一波花的萬紫千紅已指日可待。
這一次我買的苗有: 夏洛特夫人,艾瑪漢彌爾頓夫人,亞伯拉罕達比,格特魯德•傑基爾,奧莉維亞奧斯汀,克萊爾奧斯汀,瑞典女王,詹姆斯高威,權杖之島,费迪南德·皮查德
大遊行 Parade,我在Antique Rose Emporium 買到的。他們賣的玫瑰跟其他網站不太一樣,可以找到一些少見的品種,網址在此: https://antiqueroseemporium.com/

防地鼠網 Anti-gopher Basket https://amzn.to/3iHf7xh
玫瑰石塊吊牌 Plate Plant Tags https://amzn.to/3IpORBW
防雜草塑膠邊 Lawn Edging https://amzn.to/3ipe98t
塑膠固定釘子 Edging Stakes https://amzn.to/3uegZTp

The David Austin bare root roses ordered in autumn 2021 were finally delivered to my planting area in February 2022. My 16 strong, well-rooted climbing and bush roses are planted after receiving them. This week, daytime temperatures in California have reached 30 degrees Celsius, and although they are bare roots without leaves, they are ready to develop in the warm spring sun. The first wave of flowers in late spring and early summer is just around the corner.
The roses I bought this time were: Lady of Shalott, Lady of Emma Hamilton, Abraham Darby, Gertrude Jekyll, Olivia Austin, Claire Austin, Queen of Sweden, James Galway, Scepterd Isle, Ferdinand Pichard
Parade, I got it at Antique Rose Emporium. The roses they sell are different from other sites, and you can find some rare varieties here: https://antiqueroseemporium.com/


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