Waste Management: CNG Converted "Think Green, Think Clean" Mack LE/McNeilus AFE

Описание к видео Waste Management: CNG Converted "Think Green, Think Clean" Mack LE/McNeilus AFE

I was mapping more routes out one day in Santee hoping to find a route and a truck that was still diesel/LNG and not had been switched over to CNG (which btw Santee is totally CNG running vehicles now) All I found were the same Amreps that rotate around the city everyday picking up the same materials that they're assigned to. I decided that since there was nothing other than Amreps running around I would just leave. Upon leaving I stumbled upon this truck and I thought cool another CNG converted AFE. I must film it. When I walked up to the truck I immediately noticed the driver. I had come across him one time in 4S Ranch but unfortunately that day I guess he was in a hurry and didn't want to be filmed.
The driver also recognized me, asking me if I was the same guy he came across in 4S ranch a few months ago. This time he didn't mind me filming at all, and actually asked me to film and make a video so his kids could see since he said his kids love watching the trucks.
In my opinion it was a really cool truck, yes at times it can be slow, but I don't know for me I find it quite entertaining.

For those who really focus on Audio, I am very sorry, that day it was super windy, the forecast called for rain but it didn't rain (which as always in San Diego it never rains) and the wind was going crazy. My camera is very sensitive to wind... even to the slightest breeze, and for a hurricane going on it covers up the audio in a lot of spots. The nightly news said winds gusted from 30-45mph that day in Santee. So don't complain that you can't hear the truck or that all you hear is wind.
Enjoy! :)

Credits go to the driver
Creditos se va al manjeador


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