Deaf people should give name signs

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Waited for the right time after this situation for me subsided so now I’m posting.. I had a recent encounter with a hearing person who has a very alarming name sign, I tried to explain to this person that it isn’t appropriate. Our “discussion” got side tracked and ended with this hearing person told me “well I gave myself this name sign so you’re telling me I’m wrong?” Yes honey. You’re wrong. Giving name signs belong to Deaf culture and our Deaf community. Sign language is gaining popularity so here’s a friendly reminder. I’m sharing a wonderful article from New York Times explaining about the layers, history, and significance of name signs. Link:

Excerpt: “Dr. Supalla explains in his book that while originally, name signs were reserved for deaf people, the growing number of hearing people who use ASL and regularly interact with deaf people has meant that many non-deaf individuals today have name signs. Even so, hearing people may never assign a name sign. As Ms. Ngalle-Paryani noted, only a deaf person may do so” (Parogni, 2021).
*Special note for those who aren’t aware: the first, third, and fourth name signs are very close to some sexualized signs. The 2nd looks like putting in a hearing aid or ear mold fitting. Also the first letter of the names have not been changed but the name itself has changed for privacy. These cringe worthy name signs are only a few out of many I’ve encountered all of my life.
#reallyrenca #fyi #namesigns #deaf #deafcommunity #deafpeople #deafculture #inaccuratesigns #hearies #hearingpeople #letdeafdoit #notyourplace #culture #hearingknowsbest #yeahright
Video description: Renca is seated on her dining table and she is wearing a light pink sweater with orange sleeve on the right and purple sleeve on the left. It’s a woven sweater. Text on top reads: “Hearies- please stop giving yourself or others name signs.” Bottom text reads “Hearies = anyone who can hear, hearing aka hearies.” Next scene Renca signs as a hearing person “My name is *Diane. Why? I’m a speech therapist. My name is *Fran. Why? I’m an audiologist. My name is *Victoria. Why? I love to talk! My name sign is *Robin. Why? I love soccer! Yep. Based on true encounters. Getting a name sign is a gift. A Deaf person who identifies themselves as a member of the Deaf community should be the person to give you a name sign. Hearing people giving out name signs to others? No. Hearing people giving themselves name signs? No. It’s a gift of Deaf culture. We, Deaf people, give name signs when we feel connected to you, or maybe it’s because we have some type of relationship with you that I want to give you a name sign, or perhaps that I notice you have some type of connection or role with the Deaf community, etc. Whatever reason it is, the name sign should be given from a Deaf person. And as a friendly reminder, we shouldn’t be forced to give it to you. As sign language is gaining popularity. This is something to keep in mind.


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