How To Refashion By Making 'One New From Two Old' (simple technique for unique DIY upcycled fashion)

Описание к видео How To Refashion By Making 'One New From Two Old' (simple technique for unique DIY upcycled fashion)

#refashion #DIYupcycledfashion #ecofashionsewing

Learn some clever ways to refashion clothes using the 'One New From Two Old' technique. It's exciting how boring items can be mixed into an amazing unique new.

FIND ALL LINKS to projects, upcyclers mentioned here, including the freebie Clothes Upcycling Starter Kit on the website: (plus all links and mentions from this video).

[1:05] Quick overview of what is this episode about.
[1:50] Way #1: Combining the two items on the vertical.
[3:00] In addition, some more examples and ways to refashion clothes this way; where you could place the cutline; a note about possible wastage of material.
[5:15] Furthermore, check out my favourite project done by making ‘One New From Two Old’ (I can’t stop wearing it during winter).
[7:15] Way #2: Combining the two items horizontally.
[8:15] Additional example of pants from two men’s dress shirts done by conventional patternmaking. When it comes to the different ways to refashion clothes, there are some eye-opening insights in regards to doing it by using the traditional pattern-way.
[10:20] Way #3: Piecing ‘One New From Two Old’ is among those ways to refashion clothes that definitely transform a boring old item of clothing into a lovely new. The examples you see though are just a small fraction of the possibilities.
[13:50] The top 3 tips how to successfully combine the two garments to create your new style.

Now it's your turn! Go to your wardrobe now and play with these simple ways to refashion clothes.
Check for and think:
1. What you no longer enjoy wearing 'as is'.
2. Can you find a matching second that screams 'made for each other'.
3. How you like to exactly mix those two.

And don't skip anything, ok? Check tops, bottoms and everything in between. I promise, the chances you find two old to combine into a one-of-a-kind new that feels you are pretty big.

Happy upcycling
Mariana x


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