Running Linux Kernel On Windows - WSL / WSL 2 - Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL)

Описание к видео Running Linux Kernel On Windows - WSL / WSL 2 - Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL)

Step by step instructions on how to run a Linux (Kali/Ubuntu) kernel on Windows 10. Also describes the steps to install WSL 1 and upgrade to WSL 2.


For WSL1

1. Enable Windows features
a. Windows Sub system Linux
b. Virtual Machine Platform
2. Go to Windows - Store and download Kali/Ubuntu App and install it.
3. Run the app - "You now have a Linux kernel running within Windows"
4. You can update the kernel as usual sudo apt-get update
5. To check the version - Open Command prompt and run wsl --list

For WSL2

For now, you need to be on Windows Insider Build Program for now to get this WSL2 update (Search for "Insider Program Settings on Windows to subscribe to insider builds), Later on, it would be integrated with win CMD.

1. Download the WSL 2 update from

2. Install it - if there is any problem installing it, extract the msi to a temp directory and copy the kernel to C:\Windows\System32\lxss\tools

msiexec /a "wsl_update_x64.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="C:\temp"

3. To set WSL2 as the default - Open PowerShell or CMD as administrator and run this command.
Wsl --set-default-version 2

 To check what's running now
Wsl -l -v

4. To upgrade the linux distro to version 2, run the below command. (Assuming you are on Ubuntu-20.04)

wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2

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