Arceus x iOS esign tut steps in desc

Описание к видео Arceus x iOS esign tut steps in desc

– Step 1.
Join this discord for esign.   / discord  
– Step 2.
Once joined find the channel called “direct-install” once your there type /sideload

A panel will show up press esign, and than the blue install button, no need for the ipa.
Once install go to settings - general -
vpn management. Find whatever esign is under and press trust. (YOU MAY NEED TO RESTART YOUR IPHONE GO AHEAD AND DO THIS.)

– Step 3.
Join this discord for Arceus ipa. Or use this link.
  / discord
Scroll through the website till you see Arceus iOS. Press download you will have to do a few ads just open them and go back to the original page without closing out tabs, once you see all check marks and has downloaded you may close the tabs.

– Step 4.
Go back to Scarllet discord and find certificate news, find the most recent cert download and download it. Once finished go to step 5.

– Step 5.
GOTO esign and find three dots in the top right, go ahead and press the and IMPORT Arceus api and the china mobile or whatever cert you downloaded at the time.

– Step 5.
Tap the certificate you download and press unzip, once finished open it and import both files that’s in the folder (NOT THE TEXT FILE.) One of them will require a password which is (YOU NEED THE CAPS)

– Step 6.
Once both is imported go to apps The bottom of the screen you will see apps
Find Arceus in it and than press signature. Once you press it go ahead and press install after sign, than find “select certificate” and make sure to select the certificate that says good (some may say revoked you need a dns for these)

– Step 7.
Once it is installed after pressing signature your ready to go (YOU MAY NEED TO TRUST IT FIRST IF IT SAYS THIS APP IS INTRUSTED)
Go to settings - General - vpn management and find where Arceus is and press trust

– Step 8.
Enjoy! If you need help join this discord my name is barcode.

  / discord  


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