My name is Steve Mills and I want to share with you some tried, tested and proven ways to grow your business.
I don't have all the answers, but I do have some profound questions and some really powerful answers to many important sales, marketing, and business growth questions.
These answers I have gleaned over the past 27 years by learning my craft from many of the world's leading experts in sales, marketing, and business development.
In this video, I want to talk to you about how to improve your results be testing headlines. I will also explain how I made a client £5,000,000 in 10 minutes of my advice.
Here’s a bit about me...
I’m International Speaker, Trainer and Sales and Marketing Expert. Prior to that, I was a former International Professional Table Tennis Player
Since retiring from sport, I have used my expertise, energy, and skills to help small businesses grow. My unique approach to business strategy consulting and improving business results has significantly increased the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients worldwide.
I have been featured on TV, Radio, in Success Magazine and I have worked in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Dubai, Abi Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Australia and Singapore. I am also the author of four marketing books, over 400 YouTube videos and have over 80,000 followers on Social Media.
MY PASSION ► I help companies grow Sales by making Sales and Marketing strategies more effective. I do this by finding overlooked sales and marketing opportunities and improving the sales and marketing results companies currently achieve.
COMPANIES I HAVE HELPED INCLUDE ► Microsoft, BT, Cimbali, Sport England, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Dubai Oasis Authority & 1,000’s of small businesses.
VISIT STEVE-MILLS.COM ► I have helped my clients to increase sales by over £100m+ in sales through my training, mentoring, speaking and ‘done for you’ marketing services.
WHAT WE DO ► I am a Coach and Adviser and I focus on helping my clients to grow their businesses by 10X. I improve our client’s revenue by improving their sales and marketing strategies and action plans.
OUR CLIENTS ► I work with businesses from single entrepreneurs to multi-million-pound companies helping to increase sales through the customisation of sales and marketing approaches and training processes.
THE STEVE MILLS RESULTS Mastery Programme ► Is one of the most popular online sales and marketing training associations for small businesses –
MEDIA AND ME ► I have been featured on TV, Radio and throughout the world. I have worked in the UK, USA, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Switzerland, and Vietnam. I have over 400 published videos on YouTube and thousands of blog posts. I am an on-demand business speaker, trainer and advisor, with a social media following of over 250,000 people, with over 10 years of content viewed and 50,000 page views every month.
PERSONAL LIFE ►When I am not working I can be found playing Table Tennis, or at the gym, playing golf (very badly), following my beloved Sheffield Wednesday or walking with my wife Annette and my dog Bentley along the beach in my new home on the Isle of Wight.
READY TO TALK? ► Connect with me on LinkedIn, email me at [email protected], or call me on 07977 074 497.
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