How to fix Couldn't load XPCOM Error in Mozilla firefox

Описание к видео How to fix Couldn't load XPCOM Error in Mozilla firefox

How to fix Couldn't load XPCOM Error in Mozilla firefox-xpcom firefox-xpcom error-couldn't load xpcom firefox.

I get the following error message while try to access the mozilla firefox:

Couldn't load XPCOM

This error(mozilla firefox) solution is common for windows 7,windows 8,windows 8.1,windows 10 also.

This error is also common for thunderbird,tor,firefox.


1.Goto control panel-programes and features.

2.Uninstall the firefox also uninstall the maintenance service.

3.Goto "Run" then do the following two commands. 1.temp 2.%temp%

4.Now install the latest version of firefox the problem solved.


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