3 Limitations of Your Social Work Degree and What You Can do to Earn More

Описание к видео 3 Limitations of Your Social Work Degree and What You Can do to Earn More

In this video, we're going to discuss some of the limitations of a social work degree. Whether you're just starting out in the profession or you're considering a career in social work, it's important to know what your degree CAN and CAN'T do.

We'll 3 main limitations of a social work degree, especially if living a rich and fulfilling life is important to you. By understanding the limitations of your degree, you'll be able to make the most of your social work career and achieve the goals you set for yourself!

There are lots of advantages to having a social work degree. But no degree is perfect and studying social work has limitations. Watch this video to learn 3 limitations of your social work degree and how to overcome them.

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#SocialWork #MoneyMindset #RichSocialWorker
00:00 Introduction
01:42 Lifestyle design
04:29 Build your financial literacy
06:16 Leverage your skills beyond traditional social work
07:29 My story


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