Digital Transformation: Thriving Through the Transition - Jeffrey Snover, Microsoft

Описание к видео Digital Transformation: Thriving Through the Transition - Jeffrey Snover, Microsoft

Jeffrey Snover, Technical Fellow and Chief Architect for Azure Storage & Cloud Edge, Microsoft

Jeffrey Snover is a Technical Fellow and the Lead Architect for the Enterprise Cloud Group. Snover is the inventor of Windows PowerShell, an object-based distributed automation engine, scripting language, and command line shell. Snover joined Microsoft in 1999 as divisional architect for the Management and Services Division, providing technical direction across Microsoft’s management technologies and products. Snover has over 32 years of industry experience with a focus on management technologies and solutions. He was an architect in the office of the CTO at Tivoli and a development manager at NetView. He has worked also as a consulting engineer and development manager at DEC, where he led various network and systems management projects. Snover held 8 patents prior to joining Microsoft, and has registered 30 patents since. He is a frequent speaker at industry and research conferences on a variety of management and language topics.

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DevOps Enterprise Summit


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