3-Minute Self-Massage for Better Posture and More Ease

Описание к видео 3-Minute Self-Massage for Better Posture and More Ease

Grab a soft ball (a tennis ball is fine), a long sock and some wall space, and I'll show you how to give yourself a quick and effective back massage that has SO many positive effects:

- Helps improve our posture by loosening up stuck areas
- Soothes our tight, sore muscles
- Counteracts "the hunch" by letting us open up more freely
- Increases range of motion for our shoulders, helping prevent injuries
- And it feels great!!! (participants in a recent workshop with me said "I could do this all day!")

This super-simple technique has helped me really improve my posture (I used to be a super-hunched desk dweller), reduce achiness, and get my shoulders and back into a healthy position for strength training. Yay!

You can find expensive devices on the market for this, but a ball and a sock will do! Hope you enjoy it and feel the benefits, let me know!

You can do this any time of day, even just for one minute at a time,


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