Derieri The Purity (AMV) - Acting Out

Описание к видео Derieri The Purity (AMV) - Acting Out

After Hendrickson broke the seal on the Coffin of Eternal Darkness in Zhuhur Valley, Derieri along with the rest of the Ten Commandments managed to escape, appearing before the former Holy Knight. After being informed of the current events in Britannia, Zeldris suggested that they should head to the Kingdom of Edinburgh to recover their magical powers drained by the seal, everyone agreed and so they left Zhuhur Valley. Emotionally, she was very temperamental and impulsive as shown when she became enraged at the mere presence of a member of the goddess race even if they were or were not involved in the death of her sister and demon friends like Nerobasta. Her hatred towards the goddesses was such that she did not hesitate to kill them and attack them no matter the situation.

Happy Birthday Animeverse!


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