*No Ad, 광고없음*[Natural Remedy Rain sound]- Calm your dog / [자연의 빗소리] 강아지-심리안정, 분리불안 완화, 수면유도, 휴식, 힐링

Описание к видео *No Ad, 광고없음*[Natural Remedy Rain sound]- Calm your dog / [자연의 빗소리] 강아지-심리안정, 분리불안 완화, 수면유도, 휴식, 힐링

The sound of rain is very calming to a lot of dogs.
It is tested and has helped our 8 DOGS relax.
This is the perfect natural remedy for anxiety in dogs and can be used as behavior therapy music for dogs and puppies

Turn this video on for your dogs
when you leave the house
if your dog is feeling upset, anxious or lonely
training your dog calm down and relax
The nature sounds will come in handy anytime your pooch is scared or distressed.

저희 8마리 실험으로 검증된 강아지를 안정시켜주는 빗소리입니다.
자연의 소리로 강아지들이 명상하고 힐링을 할수있도록 도와주세요.

외출시, 강아지들이 불안해하고 외로워할때, 강아지들 심리안정이 필요할때
아이들을 위해 틀어주세요

#musicfordog #rainsound #강아지힐링음악 #강아지분리불안해소 #강아지수면유도음악 #강아지음악 #강아지빗소리


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