Ra's Al Ghul Origin - Once A Noble Turned Into Monstrous Batman Villain After His Wife Was Killed!

Описание к видео Ra's Al Ghul Origin - Once A Noble Turned Into Monstrous Batman Villain After His Wife Was Killed!

There is no dearth of Batman villains, but few of them are as famous as Ra's Al Ghul's. Ra's is immortal and has been dubbed as Batman's true nemesis over the course of his many years as a Batman villain. Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams created this complex and memorable character in the year 1971, and since then, he has been part and parcel of the Gotham crime scene.
While we know him to be a deadly villain, this video will dive deep into the origin story of Ra's al Ghul to give you a perspective about his early life and time and all the various events that led up to him becoming an accomplished and feared adversary. What is most interesting is that Ra's is nothing like other DC villains that we have seen over the decades. He is special and different, and there is a much larger story at play leading up to him becoming an assassin. Want to know more? Keep watching!


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