A Casual's Guide to Aruni | Rainbow 6 Siege

Описание к видео A Casual's Guide to Aruni | Rainbow 6 Siege

Aruni but explained by a casual gamer.

A Casual's Guide (ACG) is a series inspired by Gregor's "Operator How To" series and Macro's "For Noobs" series. I have always wanted to do a series like this and it's finally happening.
I'm gonna try to keep this to one video every 2 weeks but that may change to once every 3-4 weeks depending on certain things. I am now doing this type of content for Apex Legends too, so make sure to check that out. I will probably end up doing this type of series for Overwatch 2 and Valorant in the future too.

Twitch:   / gawain367  
Twitter:   / gawainyt  
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gawain_yt/?...
Discord:   / discord  

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:27 - Primary Gadget
2:57 - Loadout
5:18 - Prep Phase
6:06 - Action Phase
7:19 - Counters
7:57 - Casual Tips
8:39 - Difficulty
9:12 - Outro

Background Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Blue Boi"
Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @   / lakeyinspired  
Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAukv...
Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ


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