It Could Be Worse! Find Another Way!

Описание к видео It Could Be Worse! Find Another Way!

There is something in all of our lives that could be better. Something...maybe several somethings. We all have those somethings, I have them too, even in spite of the many many things in my life I feel blessed in. When we focus on nothing but those things, we get in a mental rut and it gets inside us. Becomes us. Pretty soon that rut becomes the grand canyon and we see no way through it . We look at our whole lives as hard. We become so discourged by those harder things that we no longer are able to see any good in our lives. Our circumstances then rule the life we hope for and live out. Don't let that happen. In my own life, having cerebral palsy and having spent most of my life since I was 6 yrs old in an electric wheelchair (almost 36 years now...will be 42 end of the year), I have a daily reminder all through my day where things could be better. There are things in our lives we can work towards change and then there may be others that we may walk/roll through for the rest of our lives. There's a ton of those somethings out there attaching themselves to each of our lives. What I try to remember and I hope to encourage you to do, is that in most every circumstance while it could be better..... it could very possibly be worse. Worse! Learn to recognize that and it changes the way you CHOOSE to look at your life. Even in the darkest times, there are things in your life that could be even worse. Those things that make things better, reminds you that not EVERYTHING is hard. Makes your life better, more matter how big or how small they may be. There ARE things in YOUR life to be thankful for...look for them! When you can do that it changes your perspective on how you see your whole life... but it's a choice you have to make for yourself. You'll discover you have more good in your life than you thought...use those things to change your focus and that my friends can create a flow for more good things. It won't make all those hard things disappear altogether but it will put some shade on them so they don't shine so brightly! Don't give up! Find Another Way!😊👊🙏
#findanotherway #changeyourfocuschangeyourlife
#noteverthingishard #gratitude #dontgiveup #rollingwithseanlewis


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