Being Single in Your 30s| Is Marriage for everyone? Society pressure, Purity and Enjoying the Season

Описание к видео Being Single in Your 30s| Is Marriage for everyone? Society pressure, Purity and Enjoying the Season

Wanting to be married or have a family is a beautiful thing, but it can be hard to hold onto these dreams when we feel like our timelines are delayed, and our biological clocks are ticking.

Speaking to Sheila gave a different perspective on singleness and how not everyone is actively pursuing marriage as we all know. From our discussion, we talked contentment in season, purity in the wait and how the church can be more inclusive to the older singles in the flock.

0:00 - Intro
2:30 - How important is the idea of marriage
4:18 - The dating journey
6:28 - Dating standards
9:10 - Societal pressure
10:50 - The church and singlehood
12:06 - The othering of singles
13:11 - Light Bulb Moment
13:33 - Enjoying singleness
16:39 - Singleness and God
18:48 - Purity while single
25:50 - The biological clock
28:46 - Advice to singles


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