Mooji: grief, embrace it. Mooji on death, dying, loss, grief and mourning

Описание к видео Mooji: grief, embrace it. Mooji on death, dying, loss, grief and mourning

“Grief, embrace it” is a discourse by the spiritual teacher Mooji, about honoring the difficult time of loss and sorrow. To reside in silence rather than giving words to grief. To simply let it be.

Deyja: Inspirations on life, death and dying, grief, mourning, and loss
Insights by Mooiji

At deyja we are:
Dealing with death
Dealing with loss
Coping with grief and loss
Coping with loss
Coping with grief

And answering questions like:
What happens when you die
What happens after death
What happens at the moment of death
What happens to your spirit when you die
What happens to your soul when you die


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