Drone finds something strange...

Описание к видео Drone finds something strange...

My first attempt to use Openshot Video Editor, and I'm not too happy. Some of the transition functions don't appear to work properly. Probably my error. The 4K transitions looked bad, so I converted the 4K to HD and uploaded that. I'll be trying again. The drone shoots 4K, which Windows Movie Maker won't load. I was going to start shooting my race footage on 4K, but I'll have to get a lot better with this editor before I do. I was trying to see if I could find my hog traps using the drone and somehow wondered off in the wrong direction. I spotted this object and it looked like a 5 gallon bucket with a carry pole laying on top of it. I was suspicious, so I decided to try to find it. I got on my ATV and headed back to where I thought the object was and put the drone in the air. Luckily, I found the object again and just let the drone hover over it. I could hear the drone but couldn't see it for the canopy of the Oaks. I finally found my drone by looking through the treetops and discovered this old feeder - a 55 gallon drum with frame and a winch. I'll try to fix it and put it to use along with my other feeder.


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