This old, angry knight got pizza'd by Cesc Fabregas

Описание к видео This old, angry knight got pizza'd by Cesc Fabregas

How angry would you have to be to use delicious, gooey, cheesy pizza as a weapon? If your first thought is, "I would never weaponize that sweet treat," then congratulations - you are a good person. Unfortunately, not all are like you.

In 2004, Arsenal visited Manchester United. They brought with them an unbeaten streak of 49 matches - quite impressive regardless of how much you know about soccer (pronounced "football" outside of the US). These teams had a bit of bad blood between them, basically battling as bewildered bystanders basked in their beauty. This time though, it spilled over to after the game.

We've already told you what happens (pizza toss, sorry, spoiler), but enjoy this journey into a seemingly fictional land where some fool would throw away such a delicious treat, all in the name of rivalry.

Hosted by Clara Morris and Will Buikema
Animations by Phil Pasternak
Edited by Jiazhen Zhang


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