Heartbeats Hot Scenes Timing | Shivangi Joshi | Shreya Kalra | Amazon Mx Player | Web Series Timing

Описание к видео Heartbeats Hot Scenes Timing | Shivangi Joshi | Shreya Kalra | Amazon Mx Player | Web Series Timing

Heartbeats Hot Scenes Timing | Shivangi Joshi | Shreya Kalra | Amazon Mx Player | Web Series Timing

Ala Review:-
   / @alareview  

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Disclaimer - Some contents are used for educationalpurpose under fair use. Copyright Disclaimer UnderSection 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance ismade for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism,comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, andresearch.Fair use is a use permitted by copyrightstatute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit,educational or personal use tips the balance in favorof fair use.

l am not owner of any content which i used in myvideo all resource like picture or video from google orany other helpful site which help us to explain ourvideo nicely or deeply so i credit to my all work togoogle or any other sites. if i used any other'scontent then i will definitely credit to him thanks ihope all owner understand to me if i used somecontent in my videos

This video is just for entertainment purposes, andnot to hurt anyone.Please do not take any of thejokes seriously. they donot belong to any individualaudience All the characters are imaginary Atlastwe want to say. Everything in this film is imaginary.Imaginary because reality is too bitter to be told orshown. Events shown in this film are jokes comparedto what has actually been happening in coutries like

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