How To Make Marinated Mushrooms | Water Bath Canning

Описание к видео How To Make Marinated Mushrooms | Water Bath Canning

7 lbs tiny mixed mushrooms
2 quarts water
1⁄2 cup bottled lemon juice
1 1⁄2 cups olive oil or 1 1/2 cups salad oil
2 1⁄2 cups white vinegar
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried basil
1 tablespoon canning salt
1⁄2 cup onion, finely chopped
4 ounces pimientos, drained and chopped
12 -15 garlic cloves, whole, peeled

Wash mushrooms and cut stems even with caps.
Bring water and lemon juice to boil, add mushrooms and boil 5 minutes; drain.
Mix oil, vinegar, oregano, basil and salt. Stir in onions and pimiento, and bring to boil.
In hot, sterilized 1/2-pint jars, Put 1 clove garlic, 2 peppercorns, and pack with mushrooms.
Add stirred, well-mixed oil-vinegar solution, leaving 1/2 inch head space.
Wipe rims, cover with sterilized lids and rings.
Process in boiling water bath 20 minutes.
Let sealed jars sit undisturbed for 24 hours.
Allow 6 weeks for full flavor to develop.

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