Airfix's 1/72 Fairey Rotodyne (Full Build)

Описание к видео Airfix's 1/72 Fairey Rotodyne (Full Build)

Yeah I know, a very niche subject, looking like something out of Thunderbirds. But it's an itch that I've wanted to scratch for a very long time, so, before my eyes and patience go, I went for it. The Rotodyne has a fascinating history. There was a great programme about it on the History Channel some time ago. One option I looked at was the Westland version with roundels and fin flashes and a central fin or even the brightly coloured 'what if' BEA version. It's a shame about the Rotodyne. Like other forward thinking British designs, it never came to fruition.

Just released 01/01/22 on YouTube, Joluqa Malta has a video on this very subject. Well worth watching.


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