Happy Tree Friends quiz 2 complete (no fail)

Описание к видео Happy Tree Friends quiz 2 complete (no fail)

Important note: First of, my Flashplayer and IE 7 doesn't like eachother. On Q 66 you're supposed to move a giant picture but this picture appears as a big black square for me but I can still move it as normal. Just so you know.

EDIT: Wow, 3,000 views. Maybe that's nothing special anyway but it's still something. Thanks :)

Anyway, what do we have here? To put it simple, it's the flash game "Imposible Quiz" but with a theme around the web serie "Happy Tree Friends". And I managed (after much pain) to make it through it all without a single miss.
Enjoy it all.

Or if you're feeling brave, feel free to try the game yourself - http://unrealcanine.deviantart.com/ar...

Thanks to UnrealCanine who created this game :)


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