The Wild Coast

Описание к видео The Wild Coast

This is my most recent work for orchestra, The Wild Coast, in a MIDI sampled version. It was commissioned by the Anchorage Youth Symphony for their Spring 2012 concert and 2012 summer Europe tour. It is dedicated to Erin McKittrick and Bretwood Higman. The images that go with the music here are by Erin McKittrick. They were taken during the fall of 2007, during Erin and Hig's trek along Alaska's Wild Coast - between Yakutat and the Copper River Delta.

This was part of their year-long 2007-2008 non-motorized journey from ASeattle to Unimak Island in the Aleutians, which is covered in Erin's book, A Long Trek Home.

All images copyright Erin McKittrick and Ground Truth Trekking.


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