ARCHITECT'S SKETCH: AHMAD DJUHARA | Documentary | Best Screenplay at EKRAF Film Festival 2020 (+ENG)

Описание к видео ARCHITECT'S SKETCH: AHMAD DJUHARA | Documentary | Best Screenplay at EKRAF Film Festival 2020 (+ENG)

“Ahmad Djuhara is a gokil (cool, unique) architect!” | “Mr. Djuhara is very honest and has strong principles. And he’s almost never cover it up. He’s always very honest about what he has designed.”

"Ahmad Djuhara adalah arsitek yang gokil!" | "Pak Djuhara itu sangat jujur dan berpendirian. Dia jarang sekali menutup-nutupi. Dia selalu sangat jujur dengan apa yang dia desain."

Thank you for watching!

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