湯水篇|印度椰子鷓鴣豬骨湯 Indian Coconut (copra) with Partridge Soup (Eng Sub) 淡香清甜 冬天滋陰 Suitable in Winnter

Описание к видео 湯水篇|印度椰子鷓鴣豬骨湯 Indian Coconut (copra) with Partridge Soup (Eng Sub) 淡香清甜 冬天滋陰 Suitable in Winnter

湯水篇|印度椰子鷓鴣豬骨湯 Indian Coconut (copra) with Partridge Soup 淡香清甜 冬天滋陰 Suitable in Winnter

份量 Serving: 3 – 4 人Ppl
烹調時間 Cooking time : 2 小時 hrs

效用 : 清熱潤肺、皮膚乾燥、口乾舌糙、補氣、滋陰
Purpose: Clears away heat and moisturizes the lungs, dry skin, dry mouth and rough tongue, nourishes qi and yin, rich in protein.

適宜 :體弱者、年老者、貧血
Suitable for: the frail, the elderly, anaemia

印度椰子不宜 : 因飽和脂肪多,不宜進食太多
Indian coconut is not suitable: it is not suitable to overeat because it is rich in saturated fat.

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材料 Ingredients :
1 隻ea ( 163g)印度椰子 Indian Coconut (copra)
1 隻ea ( 275g ) 鷓鴣 Partridge
388g 豬脊骨肉 back bone meat
3500 ml 清水 water
2塊 pc 薑片sliced ginger

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