Feeding bees 🐝 & stopping 🛑 SHB | Beekeeping

Описание к видео Feeding bees 🐝 & stopping 🛑 SHB | Beekeeping

Today on ‪@BohemiaBees‬ we are feeding our bees much needed #pollen substitute and attempting to stop those pesky small hive beetles (SHB). We are testing a new technique to ward off those SHB by applying some crushed peppermint candy powder to the surface of the #pollenpatties . (King Leo Fine Crushed Candy, Peppermint, 5 Pounds https://amzn.to/3UhRoVe)

In some tests performed by the Hill Billie Beekeeping group - ‪@houstonsheltonbees814‬ ‪@HillBillyEarl‬ ‪@TennesseeMountainBees‬ and several others they found peppermint candies to be a successful, so we thought we would give it a try and it actually did repel the SHB and the bees were able to consume the pollen patty and even ate the candy sugar coating.

We recognize that techniques like these can be somewhat controversial and not endorsed by every beekeeper, however, we believe that in order to grow as a beekeeper, one must embrace new ideas and strategies to give our bees the best chance they have for survival.

If for some reason you DON'T endorse this practice, it's easy to just scroll on to another video and dismiss it, but we found a slight benefit and love BEEing Innovative!

Hive tool : https://amzn.to/3nRB6nM
Smoker : https://amzn.to/3ACuK2U


0:00 Intro
0:08 What are we doing in the apiary today?
0:54 Providing a pollen (protein) supplement to your bees
2:12 Testing a new way to prevent SHB
3:00 Using crushed peppermint to coat our pollen patties
4:08 Installing these coated patties into a hive
5:36 Recap what we did
6:55 Wrap up/Outro

Videos are produced, edited, and published by Jason Crook, Owner & Operator of Bohemia Apiary. Jason is a University of Montana Master Certified Beekeeper, who has been keeping bees for almost a decade and enjoys sharing his experiences with the craft of beekeeping. Remember beekeeping is local, our videos outline are what works for us and are not intended to be a prescription for your bee colonies or how to operate your apiary. Although these concepts are generally endorsed by many beekeepers you have to listen, watch, and learn from your bees as well as other resources in the craft of beekeeping.

"Beekeeping is more than a hobBEE, it's an obsession" - J.Crook

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