etrailer | Taylor Made Adjustable Handles for Boat Side Windows: The Breakdown

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Full transcript:
Ellen: Hey, everyone. I'm Ellen here at and today, we're taking a look at the Taylor Made side window adjustable handles. Now, this is going to be a kit to replace those handles to go on your side window vents so you can open up the vent and not have any issues with retracting it back in. They're going to be specific to the left and right side, or starboard and port. So the way to tell the difference is that the little release handles should be facing up for each side. So this little tab will be where you mount up each handle, and the little tab will allow you to move that to wherever you want it.

If you want to open the window all the way up, clamp it down and then it keeps that handle in place. Same thing going all the way to the end. Just be careful because this end doesn't really have any of those segmented pieces, so it won't really clamp down past this point.We'll also get a rubber grommet to provide a little bit of water protection in between our handling and our glass. And then on the outside of the glass, we'll get our end cap to go over that to keep everything secure. It also comes with four screws, so we can have two per bracket to get that attached to our window frame.

It's also a good idea to put some silicone down behind your bracket, in between the bracket and the frame, to make sure that there's no seepage that can get into the rest of your boat.Now, it is made of just a plastic construction. And as far as the dimensions, if we go from just end to end, measures about six and three-quarters inches long from the very end of the handle to the very end of the little nub there. From where our glass would be seated to the furthest out adjustment point, it's five inches. To the closest adjustment point, it's about an inch and a half. So we'll have about three and a half inches of travel for that window to open.

The measurements for the little bracket here, side to side, it's about an inch and a half wide. And then we'll have about a quarter-inch of space to get those mounting holes drilled out. And those have a distance between the two of them have about three-quarters of an inch.Our handle is just about an inch and a quarter wide by about a quarter inch. And then our bracket hangs down about two and an eighth inch long. Again, we do get our left and right, or port and starboard, side handles.

That's going to do it for our look at the Taylor Made window adjustable handles.


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