γ-Sirius - Amateur Concerto in C major

Описание к видео γ-Sirius - Amateur Concerto in C major

Hello guys!

Sorry because I haven't posted any video for 4 months. I'm having a lot of works to do so that I can't make music as often as before. However, I'm still letting for myself a little leisure for making music and I will try to post my music as soon as possible.

I made this Concerto so that musician can play it easily. I guess even children can play this Concerto if they learn music instrument. Maybe I will make a score of this Concerto if I had free time.

Three pictures in this video I found it on Google. These pictures belong to Ferdinand Leeke (1859-1937), a German painter. I guess some of you who know about art may know him by his depictions of scenes from Wagnerian Operas.

I hope you guys will love and enjoy it. Thank you for your listen.

00:00 (1st movement: The Triumph of Bacchus)
03:20 (2nd movement: Peaceful Evening)
06:27 (3rd movement: The Spring Festival of Flora before the Acropolis)


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