[Reverse 1999] Mane's Bulletin | Marsh Creation | SSS | 856k

Описание к видео [Reverse 1999] Mane's Bulletin | Marsh Creation | SSS | 856k

Mane's Bulletin | SSS | 856k
Official Boss Name: Marsh Creation
Accurate Boss Name: Headless Booba Monster
Version: 1.4

Pretty long run, so watch at 2x speed for comfort. Necro died on R27 and units began dropping like flies after that. Would probably have hit 900k+ if I hadn't missed the last Necro ult. I could have rerolled for a heal on that turn but I'm not sure if Necro would have lived even with that. I also definitely misplayed turns 18-20, where I upset the cadence by merging too much instead of attacking.


Extremely buggy stage. One notable bug is that killing a HP bar with counter damage (such as Voyager) bugs out the counter display for the boss. So the boss would have 2 rounds of counter instead of 1, and then show the counter visual even on turns where it isn't actually countering. This really messed up the planning for my runs since I had to debug what I thought were 4 different bugs which ended up being the result of a single bug.

If you don't have a counter dispeller like Pickles, Horrorpedia, Charlie, Moissan, TTT, Titor, or X, you have to plan more carefully around the boss's counter as you lose the 40% DMG bonus from the stage passive while the counter is up. The RNG attacks also aren't as fun to plan against, Abyss felt like it was better designed with the max HP targeting and other mechanics. This was mostly just pray for good RNG (crit, cards, enemy buff choice, and targeting). There are still things you can do to improve your chances of hitting SSS.


1. Try to get 2 Melania ults for every Necro ult you use, even if you have to "waste" AP moving Melania's cards during the turns the boss is countering to build her moxie. Don't forget only the rat card gains extra moxie in this stage, so avoid using the kick card after ult since the enemy doesn't have moxie you can steal.

2. You need 3 buffs on your units to take less damage from the boss's second attack. Ideally one of the those buffs should be a counter/shield, or you're taking another +20% DMG from all attacks. Don't forget that Melania and Tooth Fairy have personal stacks that count as buffs. Voyager's concerto skill is 2 buffs, so you only need to combo it with a personal buff or Necro ult (prayer/DMG bonus) to reach 3 buffs. Try to heal Necro with Tooth Fairy if she is at risk of losing her prayer stack.

3. Necro cannot prayer or heal herself, so once you lose the initial prayer stack on her she can't easily get a 3rd buff that mitigates boss damage (in this team at least). Necro's ult does provide a DMG buff that can serve as the 3rd buff, but you can't get it on demand, so plan carefully if you're going to rely on it. At some point during the fight you need to change your strategy since you won't hit SSS if you only focus on sustaining 3 buffs and heals. Play to your outs to maximize your chances of winning. Do not bother healing Necro (with Tooth Fairy's heal) if she is low and doesn't have prayer or 3 buffs, instead, play aggressively and hope the boss hits the other units that have prayer so Necro can heal herself with her i3 ability.

4. If you don't have a 2 star Necro card up for dispelling non-counter buffs, any 2 or 3 star buff/heal/counter card can dispel all non-counter buffs on the enemy. Try to dispel only when the buffs are relevant to you. For example, dispel mental DEF if you plan to attack on the turn, and dispel incant might/pen rate if you need to tank a boss attack. Don't bother dispelling irrelevant buffs like reality DEF since the entire team is mental DMG. The best way to survive is by killing a HP bar to cancel the attack, so try to be aggressive when possible.


P0 I3 L30 R10 Melania
P0 I3 L30 R10 Tooth Fairy
P1 I3 L30 R10 Voyager
P5 I3 L30 R9 Necrologist

Cubes are all L60 and A1, except LL which is A5. As for the resonance builds, everyone except Melania is using a full tank reso. Melania is using the standard crit reso with reality def blocks instead of mental def blocks. Voyager can be replaced by anyone who provides 2 buffs, like Sonetto or An-Lee. Tooth Fairy can be replaced by Med Pocket or Balloon Party.

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