香蕉茎秆的 功效与作用 。Health Benefits of Banana Stems。Manfaat Batang Pisang。

Описание к видео 香蕉茎秆的 功效与作用 。Health Benefits of Banana Stems。Manfaat Batang Pisang。

香蕉茎中含有单宁,达摩明,5-羟色胺,羟基维生素B,维生素A,维生素B和维生素C.所谓的香蕉茎化学物质具有重要的身体健康特性。糖尿病患者脚黑了臭味了!请用香蕉树的心搅拌然后在晚上 睡觉的时候包在脚黑色方位,到第二天早上清洗,如果连包 三天至五天就会康复了。

你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅

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Health Benefits of Banana Stems
1- Weight Loss
Banana stems are full of fiber, making them extra filling which keeps you satisfied longer.  By being full of the good stuff, theres no room for junk food snacking. 
2- Constipation
That high fiber content not only helps with weight loss, but keeps you regular. It helps loosen blockage and relieve discomfort that comes with constipation
3- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Banana stem is a diuretic which means it will help flush your system when you have a UTI. This will relieve symptoms and discomfort caused by your UTI. Drink banana stem juice two to three times per week for best results (recipes below).

4- Diabetes
Being high in potassium and vitamin B6, banana stem helps regulate the body’s production of hemoglobin and insulin. This helps reduce blood sugar spikes.
5- Hyperacidity
Banana stem’s fiber can aid with ulcers and heartburn. Drink banana stem juice three times per week as an antacid.
6-Kidney Stones
Banana stems, when added as a regular part of your diet, can help to prevent kidney and gall stones.
To prepare banana stems:
1. Remove outer layer of banana stem and wash thoroughly
2. Slice stem widthwise
3. Remove ALL soft fibers with index finger
Soak banana stem in cold salted or lime water for an hour


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