Džambo Agušev - A Talk With Students / Todo Mundo Festival 2022

Описание к видео Džambo Agušev - A Talk With Students / Todo Mundo Festival 2022

Ovaj video donosi inserte javnog razgovora Džamba Aguševa sa studentima i profesorima etnomuzikologije Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu. Razgovor je bio deo programa desetog world music festivala ''Todo Mundo''. Održan je 22. septembra 2022, u toku dana, na Katedri za etnomuzikologiju. Marija Vitas je vodila razgovor sa Džambom, a pored njega učestvovao je i član Džambo Aguševi Orchestra, helikonista Šukri Abdulov. U videu su segmenti razgovora sa studentima prošarani sa snimcima koncerta (Bašta Drugstore, 22. septembar), kao i snimcima muziciranja Džamba i Šukrija u i ispred fakulteta.
Gostovanje Džamba Aguševa i njegovo orkestra, koji je na festivalu ''Todo Mundo'' imao i koncert, kao i učešće na uličnoj paradi, podržano je kroz međunarodni projekat ''Sounds of Europe'' (Kreativna Evropa), zahvaljujući CEBEF-u, kao i Katedri za etnomuzikologiju FMU u Beogradu.

This video brings clips of Džambo Agušev's public talk with students and professors of ethnomusicology at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. The conversation was part of the program of the tenth world music festival "Todo Mundo". It was held on September 22, 2022, during the day, at the Department of Ethnomusicology. Marija Vitas moderated a conversation with Džambo, and besides him, a member of the Džambo Aguševi Orchestra, heliconist Šukri Abdulov, also participated. In the video, segments of conversations with students are intertwined with recordings of a concert (Drugstore Garden, September 22), as well as recordings of Džambo and Šukri playing music in and in front of the faculty.
The guest appearance of Dzambo Agušev and his orchestra, who had a concert at the "Todo Mundo" festival, as well as participation in the street parade, was supported through the international project "Sounds of Europe" (Creative Europe), thanks to Belgrade Festivals Centre, as well as the Department of Ethnomusicology of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.
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Video made by:
Vladimir Milisavljević
[email protected]
Cover photo by:
Vladimir Milisavljević
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Recorded in Belgrade, on September 22, 2022


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