Learn to Teach Vocabulary in Under 5 Minutes

Описание к видео Learn to Teach Vocabulary in Under 5 Minutes

Hey English Teachers!
Here's my method for teaching vocabulary at The Language House TEFL. This method can be used for all levels without ever using translation.


1. Elicit Your Word from Scratch

Pick one (or a combination) of these eliciting techniques to pull the meaning out: draw, mime, pictures, realia, synonym, antonym, hyponym, context, definition, and props. Eliciting is a skill! It might seem hard to get that meaning out without using translation, but with practice, you'll do great!

2. Trail the Word Out

If the student doesn't know the word (but they understand the meaning) give them a few of the letters to jog their memory. If that doesn't work, board the word.

3. Board all Words in the Correct Part of Speech

This REALLY helps your students understand what you are trying to teach.

4. Drill (Choral) Your Word Multiple Times

Students need to hear you say the word and they repeat. Use this time to correct their pronunciation

5. CCQ all Words 3 Times Each

CCQ stands for Concept Check Question. These are ways to truly see if your students have understood what you've taught. Use them! Never ask, 'Do you understand?'

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