Comprehensive Comparator Hysteresis Design

Описание к видео Comprehensive Comparator Hysteresis Design

Welcome to the comparator series. On the last video, we looked at a method, of choosing the positive feedback hysteresis resistor first, then the other resistors based on the value of the hysteresis resistor. The analysis made several assumptions. This video is an effort to address those shortcomings, and provide a more comprehensive design method.

00:00 Intro
00:32 Previous Design Construct
02:07 Circuit Analysis for Open Output
03:00 Circuit Analysis for Sunk Output
03:37 Solve for R2
05:28 Freeze Sensor Application
06:53 Push-Pull Configuration
07:23 Analysis Equation for Resultant VL
07:44 Analysis Equation for Resultant VH


Информация по комментариям в разработке