Spyro the Dragon -13- Magic Crafters Home

Описание к видео Spyro the Dragon -13- Magic Crafters Home

Third Home world. 2 thiefs and a bunch of wizards who think they're sneaky with their level changing powers. The weird green mages who cast thundara are the trickiest enemies in the game, I think. Whereas other enemies take a bit of time before they actually attack, these mages attack fast, and their attack is also fast. I mean, they don't take their time to show that they're attacking, and the attack itself is so fast it's hard to dodge. It's also hard to dodge because it just... hits. It's fast, fast, hard to dodge and hard to dodge because it's fast.

But other than that, this place is easy. I had more trouble with Peace Keepers home because I didn't realize I was supposed to shoot the big rock pillar to create the platform and I had epic trouble finding the Ice Cavern portal.


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