Textualis Quadrata - PAScribe Geometric Form

Описание к видео Textualis Quadrata - PAScribe Geometric Form

Textualis Quadrata is possibly the slowest Quattro Linear Script to write. It takes much more precision to get it looking and feeling enticing and there are so many subclasses in this wonderful hand. Come join us this evening for an in-depth lecture on this amazing script.

This week is Textualis Quadrata week! Lecture on Tuesday and Workshop on Sunday, info below.

These are majuscules from the Gutenberg Bible and are the closest type to our written caps for this script. They are much more angular and regular in the way they are constructed to fit the punch for type. They make an interesting study of augmentation from the minuscules to extrapolate into the majuscules.

Textualis Quadrata is the basis of the scripts in the Gothic Era. It is from this simple script most of the hands in the Mediaeval Period derive.

I developed my PAScribe Geometric Textualis Quadrata as a teaching mechanism for the learning of broad nib scripts but also to simplify this script due to the number of variants from 1250 up to the present day.

The Lecture on Tuesday April 6th, 7pm - 9pm GMT, plus 1 hour Q&A, at £5 and will give you an historical palaeographical overview of the scripts and introduce you to the complexity of the range letterforms with fall under Quadrata.

The Workshop on Sunday April 11th, 1pm - 530pm GMT, plus 1 hour Q&A, at £45 and will teach you the grounding framework I developed to help you approach any variant with confidence.

Come join us for an insightful look at an amazing script.

Recordings available on Teachable.
Events held via Zoom.

@pascribe @tncaligrafia

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